Advance new therapies.
Stay human.

Discover the therapies of tomorrow by catching human data today.

Beating Organs-on-Chip unlock human pre-clinical models reflecting clinical complexity, towards the design of effective treatments tailored for patients.

We present the next generation of preclinical models: human, dynamic, 3D.

Every tissue in the body is subjected to motion. Our Beating Organs-on-Chip finally bring this motion into the 3D native microenvironment offering the next generation of clinically relevant human invitro setups.

Our Services


Get human relevant data from our  uBeat® models. BiomimX® is the ideal partner to boost your drug discovery & development.

Our Technology

uBeat® ground-breaking technology brings into microscaled setups a unique combination of mechanical stimulation and 3D architecture.

Our Products

BiomimX uBeat platform

uBeat® innovative cell culture setups create the path to develop the next generation of advanced 3D dynamic models.